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Connecting to the V-Raptor

Dec 7 2023 at 12:00 AM

  1. Where to find the files
  2. Certificate
  3. Identity Client Options
  4. RPC Options
  5. Rsa256

Certificates need to be configured/added to the Driver (the SDK package template) before telemetry can be sent to the V-Raptor and Commander.

The SDK contains placeholder certificates (and other authentication files) necessary to connect to the V-Raptor. These need to be replaced with application-specific files (certificates, etc) that have been generated to connect devices to the V-Raptor.

Where to find the files

The applicable folders and files for this step can be found here:

Cert and Auth Files

Figure 1 - Certificates and other authentication files

  1. Data_Test -> Certificates - The certs and private files in this folder need to be replaced with generated certificates/files.
  2. Config - The following files need to be configured:
    • DataProtectionOptions.json
    • IdentityClientOptions.json
    • RpcLayerOptions.json
  3. Rsa256 - The Root and Signing CA certificates to place here can be found in the V-Raptor portal.


Go to the V-Raptor portal to issue a certificate:

To issue a certificate, ensure the V-Raptor is open for development.
  1. Open the V-Raptor portal.
  2. Navigate to Credential Manager.
  3. Click on the “Generate Certificate” button found in the top-right hand of the page:

VRaptor Portal Certs

Figure 2 - Generate Certificates in V-Raptor Portal

  1. In the window that opens, generate a certificate and a key for the certificate, and replace the placeholder files with the newly generated files here:

    Replace Certificates

    Figure 3 - Replace certificates in the SDK

  2. Navigate to the DataProtectionOptions.json file in the Config folder:

    DataProtectionOptions File

    Figure 4 - DataProtectionOptions file

  3. In the file, change the CertificateSubjectName to the name of the certificate added to the certs file in the Certificates folder:

       "DataProtectionOptions": {
         "CertificateSubjectName": "[add new certificate subject name here]",
         "AllowInvalidCRL": true,
         "VerifyUsingSigningCertificates": true,
         "SigningCertificates": [
Ensure all replaced files are copied to the output directory.

Identity Client Options

  1. Navigate to the IdentityClientOptions.json file found in the Config folder:

    IdentityClientOptions File

    Figure 5 - IdentityClientOptions file

  2. In the file, change the placeholder URL to the URL that will allow the devices to talk to V-Raptor:

       "IdentityClientOptions": {
         "IdentityServiceURL": "https://...", //Add URL that will allow devices to talk to V-Raptor here
         "APIName": "RaptorRPC",
         "EnableAspAuthentication": false

RPC Options

  1. Navigate to the RpcLayerOptions.json file in the Config folder:

    RpcLayerOptions File

    Figure 6 - RpcLayerOptions file

  2. In the file, ensure that the RpcLayer (either grpc or signalr) is correct:

     "RpcLayerOptions": {
       "RpcLayer": "grpc"


To get the Root and Signing CA, go to the V-Raptor portal and navigate to Credential Manager:

Root and Signing CA

Figure 7 - Root and Signing CA

  1. Click on “View CA Chain”.
  2. In the window that opens, copy the Root and Signing CA.

Replace the data in the current root-ca-crt and signing-ca-cert files in the Rsa256 folder with the copied information:

Root and Signing CA Files

Figure 8 - Root and Signing CA files