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Virtual Raptor™ Driver SDK

Jan 1 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. What to expect

The V-Raptor is comprised of several microservices that work together to process and transmit telemetry values from each connected physical device to Commander. The V-Raptor Driver executes Device Interfaces (or Devices) that represent these physical devices and send telemetry to other Services in the V-Raptor.

The following sections will help the user get started with the V-Raptor Driver’s SDK. The Driver SDK sets up and initialises Device Interfaces that represent external telemetry sources. Once installed, this kit provides all the boilerplate code a user would need to easily set up these Device Interfaces and send telemetry to Commander.

What to expect

The guide that follows will show how to:

  • Install, set up and run the V-Raptor SDK package template.
  • Choose applicable Device templates to support application requirements.
  • Connect to the V-Raptor.
  • Build gateways to link Devices to endpoints in Commander Digital Twins.
  • Build telemetry packets.
  • Configure Devices.
  • Add Metrics.
  • Troubleshoot solutions.
  • Adhere to best practice principles when building the SDK for a specific application.