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Virtual Raptor™ M68 Release

Jan 1 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. Release Highlights
  2. Service Status Groups
  3. Highlighting changes
  4. Searching for versions
  5. Error Pages
  6. Known Issues
    1. Deleting configuration files
    2. Theming changes don’t always apply
  7. Technical Notes
    1. Changes to raptor ingress

Release Date: 7 June 2021

Release Highlights

  • The latest version of the V-Raptor™ SDK and services is now
  • Services can now be grouped by their status in the Deployment Manager.
  • Badges have been added to show which configuration files or services have recently been created or updated.
  • You can now search for a service version when updating a service.
  • Customised error pages have been added to the V-Raptor™ ingress.

Service Status Groups

All services and drivers can now be organised by their status. The following categories exist:

HealthyService is running and operating normally.
DegradedService is running, but is reporting degraded performance.
InactiveService has been disabled and is currently not running.
Not foundService status could be retrieved as it might still be starting or might not report a status.

Users can group the services according to status by selecting the appropriate category in the tab panel. The number of services with a specific status will also be displayed in the heading.

V-Raptor Service Status Groupings

Figure 1 - Services grouped by status

Highlighting changes

Recently modified services or configuration files will now be highlighted with an appropriate badge. For example, a recently modified configuration file will now display the word Updated below its name as depicted below.

Recently updated config

Figure 2 - Modified configuration file

Services that have been added or updated will show a New badge next to their name.

Recently updated service

Figure 3 - Recently updated service

Searching for versions

The V-Raptor™ Deployment Manager has been enhanced to allow users to search for a specific version of a service they would like to update.

Searching for a version

Figure 4 - Searching for a version

Error Pages

The latest version of the V-Raptor™’s ingress now contains customised error pages. The error pages will need to be enabled in the Raptor ingress’ configuration.

New error page

Figure 5 - Example of a new error page

Note: These error pages will not make use of theming as they exist independent of user accounts by design.

Known Issues

The following issues were detected and are being addressed in the next release of the V-Raptor™.

Deleting configuration files

We are aware of an issue that occurs when attempting to delete all the configuration files on a service. The problem is known to occur when using the following API on the V-Raptor™’s deployment agent:


In the interim configuration files can be deleted individually.

Theming changes don’t always apply

We are also aware of an issue that causes the user’s theme to be set in Commander™ but not on V-Raptor™.

Technical Notes

This section provides a summary of changes that impact parties responsible for managing V-Raptor™ installations.

Changes to raptor ingress

Customised error pages can now be enabled in the ingress’s config file after an update to the latest version. For example:

error_page 401 /error401.html;

All error pages can be mapped using the following:

  location ~* /error {
    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
ErrorCodeStatic Page
Not found404error404.html
Server error500error500.html
Bad gateway502error502.html
Service unavailable503error503.html
Gateway timeout504error504.html