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Release Notes

Jan 1 2022 at 12:00 AM

The main releases into the network will be posted here. This will give you an an overview and insight into the changes made to Virtual Raptor.

The releases are continuous and depends on client and roadmap requirements. Therefore release notes are created every month to describe what is generally available since the last release notes have been shared.

V-Raptor release notes summarise the features of V-Raptor per release with high-level descriptions and accompanying screenshots if applicable. Every release is designated by the Agile Sprint numeration wherein the development and development testing was finalised (e.g. M62 release indicates that the release was finalised during Sprint 62), and no features are released before completing formal QA from independent teams after the features have been finalised for that release.

Table of contents

  • Virtual Raptor™ M62 Release
  • Virtual Raptor™ M64 Release
  • Virtual Raptor™ M67 Release
  • Virtual Raptor™ M68 Release
  • Virtual Raptor™ M69 Release
  • Virtual Raptor™ M72 Release