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Virtual Raptor™ M62 Release

Jan 1 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. Devices
    1. New Device Driver: CSM
    2. Driver SDK
    3. Driver Update
  2. Core
    1. Deployment Agent
    2. Raptor Management Application
  3. Messaging
    1. Historic Telemetry Processing

Release Date: 19 March 2021


New Device Driver: CSM

Connected Space Management (CSM, Real Estate Portfolio & Office Management Package) integration completed that uses HTTP to fetch building occupancy.

CSM Driver

Figure 1 - CSM Driver

Driver SDK

API key authentication is now enabled by default on all services.

Driver Update

The Teltonika driver has been updated to make use of the V-Raptor’s scaling and transform functions.

        "Dallas_Temperature_1": {
          "ElementId": "72",
          "DataType": "Double",
          "TransformSetId" : "scale_1"


Deployment Agent

Added a health status page for the Raptor that shows the running status of each service and added the ability to retrieve the service health of all deployed services through a REST API.

V-Raptor Health

Figure 2 - V-Raptor Health

Raptor Management Application

Added the ability to edit service configs in a dynamically constructed form for services that support Config Expose.

Configuration Expose

Figure 3 - Configuration Expose for Services

Configuration Form Builder

Figure 4 - Configuration Form Builder


Historic Telemetry Processing

Updated telemetry pipeline to differentiate between historic and live telemetry, which was needed so that stale registration packets (of IoT Gateways at the edge) do not get processed when live registration is available (i.e. if the physical setup or configuration of an edge device changes, the correct registration will always happen on Commander). In addition, a feature flag has been added so that a Raptor can be configured to publish historic messages to a separate historic queue if needed, and telemetry messages can be assigned a priority so that messages such as alarms receive higher priority.