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Maximising Performance

Feb 6 2023 at 12:00 AM

  1. Overview
    1. What to expect from this section
  2. Dataset
  3. Dashboard


The following sections identify the main areas where changes can be applied to optimise the dashboard’s performance.

What to expect from this section

This guide will cover the following topics:

  • Maximising performance with datasets.
  • Maximising performance in the dashboard.


Most of the resources being consumed will be used to shape and create the right dataset to power insights from the dashboard. However, performance gains can always be made by analysing steps taken when processing data and limiting the amount of data being used.

Ways to minimise resource consumption by the data model include:

  • Filtering the dataset so that only the required time period and columns are queried, by using a WHERE clause in the SQL query.
  • Filtering individual tables before doing aggregations and joins.

The “Explain” function can be used to analyse and locate where the most resources are being used in the SQL query.


On the dashboard level, when a report runs, each graph runs a query in the query engine. Up to six queries can be run simultaneously.

It is best practice to build an optimised dashboard by:

  • Limiting the number of charts on the dashboard to fewer than six (per tab).
  • Limiting the number of rows displayed in a table range.