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Managing Access

Feb 6 2023 at 12:00 AM

  1. Overview
    1. What to expect from this section
  2. Manage access to a dashboard
    1. Allow access and configure user roles in a dashboard
    2. Assigning roles to a user
  3. Sharing and collaboration
    1. Share a dashboard link by email
    2. Share chart link by email
    3. Schedule a new email report (dashboard)
    4. Manage scheduled email reports
    5. Add an alert


BI Navigator dashboards can have multiple users and can also be shared for collaboration. This page will provide an overview of these features and how to apply them.

What to expect from this section

This guide will cover the following topics:

  • Allowing access to a dashboard.
  • Assigning roles to a user.
  • Sharing dashboards with users to facilitate collaboration.

Manage access to a dashboard

By default, a dashboard’s read/write access is restricted to its owner(s), and therefore draft dashboards will be hidden from non-owners. To grant access to a dashboard, the owner of the dashboard can assign a role to other users before publishing the dashboard. For example, to grant “read” access to a dashboard, the owner can assign an access role like “Viewer” to another user who requires this level of access, and then publish the dashboard. Note that this will require that the user with “Viewer” access also have the “Viewer” role assigned to them in Commander.

Allow access and configure user roles in a dashboard

While in dashboard view mode, click on EDIT DASHBOARD (found at the top right of the page) to open the dashboard editing options:

Clip 1 - Allow access and configure roles to a dashboard

  1. Click on the ellipsis icon found next to the SAVE button at the top right of the page.
  2. In the dropdown that opens, click on “Edit properties”. This opens the “Dashboard properties” window.
  3. Click on the “Access” input box and start to type the name of the person that should get access to the dashboard. This will open a dropdown with available options. Multiple users can be added in this section.
  4. Click on the person’s name and add it to the input box.
  5. Click on the “Roles” input box and open the dropdown with roles options.
  6. Choose the roles that may be assigned to the users that have been given access to the dashboard.
  7. Click on the APPLY button to apply the changes.

Assigning roles to a user

While in dashboard view mode, click on the “Settings” dropdown at the top right of the page:

Clip 2 - Assign roles to a user

  1. In the Settings dropdown, select “List Users” to open a list of all the dashboard’s users.
  2. Navigate to the relevant user’s name and click on the Edit icon (found to the left of the user’s name). This opens the “Edit User” page.
  3. Click on the “Roles” input box to open the dropdown with a list of available roles.
  4. Select the applicable role to add it to the “Roles” input box.
  5. Click on the SAVE button (bottom left) to save the new settings.

Sharing and collaboration

Sharing charts and dashboards in Navigator is straightforward, with unique permalinks to both charts and dashboards that can be shared with clients and colleagues. BI Navigator also supports scheduled and event-triggered alerts and reports that can be sent via email to preselected recipients.

While in dashboard view mode, click on the ellipsis found to the right of the EDIT DASHBOARD button:

Clip 3 - Share dashboard link by email

  1. Once the ellipsis dropdown opens, hover over “Share” and then click on “Share permalink by email”.
  2. An email composer will open with the dashboard’s name and link in the Subject line.
  3. Add recipients and send the email.

While on the chart configuration page, click on the ellipsis found to the right of the SAVE button (top right of the page):

Clip 4 - Share chart link by email

  1. Once the ellipsis dropdown opens, hover over “Share” and then click on “Share chart by email”.
  2. An email composer will open with the chart’s name and link in the Subject line.
  3. Add recipients and send the email.

Schedule a new email report (dashboard)

While in dashboard view mode, click on the ellipsis found to the right of the EDIT DASHBOARD button:

Clip 5 - Schedule a new email report

  1. Once the ellipsis dropdown opens, select “Set up an email report”.
  2. Create a report name and provide a description for the report.
  3. Select the scheduled day and time when the report should be emailed. Schedule the frequency of the email (year/month/week/day/hour/minute).
  4. Select the time zone.
  5. Click on ADD.

Manage scheduled email reports

While in dashboard view mode, click on the ellipsis found to the right of the EDIT DASHBOARD button:

Clip 6 - Manage scheduled email reports

  1. Once the ellipsis dropdown opens, hover over “Manage email report” and then select either “Email reports active”, “Edit email report” or “Delete email report”.
  2. Click on “Email reports active” to see a list of all active email reports.
  3. Click on “Edit email report” to edit properties on a selected email report.
  4. Click on “Delete email report” to delete the report. In the example above, the email report is deleted when the “Delete” window opens, the user types “DELETE”, and clicks on the DELETE button.

Add an alert

While in dashboard view mode, click on the “Settings” dropdown found at the top right of the page:

Clip 7 - Add an alert

  1. In the dropdown that opens, select “Alerts & Reports”. This will open the “Alerts & reports” page.
  2. Click in the +ALERT button found at the top right of the page.
  3. In the “Add alert” window that opens, create a name for the alert.
  4. Add owners to the alert.
  5. Provide a description for the alert.
  6. Under “Database”, choose the database(s) that should be linked to the alert.
  7. Add the relevant SQL query in the SQL editing panel.
  8. Configure when the alert needs to be triggered (“Trigger alert if” -> “Value”).
  9. Configure the alert’s condition schedule. Set the frequency with which the condition for the alert needs to be triggered.
  10. Link the alert to a dashboard.
  11. Configure the notification method. In this example the alert will be sent as an email. Provide the email addresses to which the alert needs to be sent.
  12. Click on the ADD button to add a new alert with the configured properties.
  13. The “Alerts & reports” page will open. The new alert can now be found in the list of alerts on the page.