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Group Entity

Oct 12 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. Description
  2. Configuration


Entity group creates a folder structure under which entities can be created to be grouped together.


Figure 1 - Entity Gorup Properties

  1. Entity ID: This is a unique code for this entity, no other entity in this tree structure will have the exact same unique identifier. This property is autogenerated on the creation of the entity.
  2. Entity type: This is the specific entity you have chosen to use in your tree structure.
  3. Name: This is the name you will give your specific entity. It can be edited at any time after creation.
  4. Blueprint tags: The user can select from a list of existing blueprints and on the tenant to apply a blueprint. This area will also display any blueprints that are currently tagged to the entity selected.
  5. Digital twin tags: The user can select from a list of existing digital twin tags. Digital Twin tags can only be applied to Site or Group entities.
  6. Description: This feature allows the user to add a short description of the entity’s functionality.
  7. View children count: This feature will being up a window with information about entities created under the selected entity as children, such as the tally of children entities and/or their entity type. Please note that this is only available on Site and Group entities.
Blueprints are generally tagged onto Group Entities such that all entities within the Group Entity are grouped together. Blueprints can only be generated when selected on a Group Entity and that blueprint will then contain only the endpoints and functions that are in the Group Entity at the time of creation.