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Rolling out

Jan 1 2023 at 12:00 AM

This is a method of updating a fleet of live instances of a Digital Twin after the DT has been edited, thus updating the live instances to the latest version. This will bring up a list of all instances created/tagged with the selected Digital Twin and the version of the DT they are on, allowing the user to perform one of three tasks on the selected instance(s).

Upgrade Instance:

This will upgrade the selected instance(s) to the latest version of the DT template.

Update Values:

This will allow the user to access the SEPs of the selected instance(s) from a helicopter perspective and edit them without needing to go to the instance itself in Entity Management.

Upgrade Instance and Update Values:

This option is a combination of allowing for upgrade of instance version as well as the ability to edit the SEP of that instance.

Digital Twin Rollout Task Window

Figure 1 - Digital Twin Rollout Task Window