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Procedures and Implementations

Aug 15 2023 at 12:00 AM

  1. Introduction


The following documentation provides information regarding some documented procedures and implementations of some of the filters that can be integrated with the Generic Driver. The listed documents below have been referenced in the Generic Driver documentation.

  • Transform Manager: Transform Manager is used to change the value of a device property from the raw value produced by the physical device to a standardised value for upload to the Commander Portal. Transform manager maintains a list of Transform sets, where each set can contain one or more functions to execute.Transform Manager maintains a list of Transform sets, where each set can contain one or more functions to execute.

  • Task Scheduler Options: Task Scheduler Options are used to control the Schedule Manager. The Schedule Manager allows a user to group together, schedule, and execute these regularly recurring tasks and to monitor the results of the activities.It is usually injected into a class instance via the constructor. The class instance can be used to add or remove actions from the schedule. This class will also manage the execution of the scheduled actions.

  • Adding a C-Sharp Script via Postman: This document provides the user with instructions on how to add a C-Sharp script.

  • C-Sharp Script Options: These are options set to control the C# compilation process. When compiling, the C# compiler will load all the script files associated with the script project and compile them together.

  • Supported Telemetry Data Types