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V-Raptor Kubernetes Components

Jan 1 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. System Requirements
  2. Kubernetes Requirements
    1. Single node
    2. Multi node

System Requirements

A K8s cluster can be set up on one or many underlying servers. Kubernetes is designed to be highly scalable and highly available depending on how many servers it is installed on. It can however be installed on a single server as an absolute minimum. IoT.nxt® recommends where possible to use a three-node cluster or more allow for some level of redundancy. It is always recommended to use the latest versions of Linux to ensure vulnerabilities have been addressed.

Currently V-Raptor is successfully implemented on the following Kubernetes versions :

  • 1.16.15
  • 1.17.12
  • 1.18.10
  • 1.19.8 (is currently in the test and validation phase and should be verified soon.)

The following link might be useful as a general guid to setting up a Kubernetes cluster if it is required.

Install Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu 20.04 with kubeadm

While the basic specifications for running Kubernetes are very small, we recommend a generally bigger environment to run on to allow for the higher levels of workloads your V-Raptor might need to perform. It is recommended that the used case or solution be considered for the level of workload the V-Raptor will be required to perform when setting up your V-Raptor environments. QA and Dev V-raptors can likely be attempted on smaller nodes than recommended here.

Kubernetes Requirements

Single node

When setting up your V-Raptor on a single node cluster we would recommend using a server with a minimum

  • 8 cores
  • 32 Gb of RAM
  • 512 Gb hard drive.

Multi node

For a multiple node cluster or a cluster using multiple VMs and its node base we would recommend using at least 3 or 4 nodes with a minimum for each node

  • 4 cores
  • 8 Gb RAM
  • 256 Gb hard disk

The reason for requiring more disk space on the nodes is for V-Raptor to use the disk space as shared storage for persistent volumes as discussed in another section. If, however, you are going to use a MongoDB for shared storage then you might require a much smaller disk to run your nodes on.