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Raptor Package Manager - Greet Command

Jan 1 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. Overview
  2. Running our first command - Greeting command


This section provides an introduction into the raptor package manager cli tool.

Running our first command - Greeting command

  1. Open your favourite terminal tool. PowerShell, command prompt, or windows terminal.
  2. Run
raptorpm greet -h
  1. The following output should be available.
  Raptor package manager greeting command just to say hi!

  raptorpm greet [options]

  Name, -n <Name>                              Option to specify a name to greet.
  SalutationMessage, -s <SalutationMessage>    Option to specify the salutation message.
  Verbose, -v                                  Option to specify if command should be logged in detail
  -?, -h, --help                               Show help and usage information

  1. This is the cli tool greet command, we use this command to get you comfortable with the commands available and how to use the cli tool.
  2. Each command has either input arguments or options or combination of both.
  3. Arguments are required.
  4. Options are optional.
  5. Let us request the tool to greet you. We have an option to specify our name by either explicitly typing out Name "Joe" or using the alias -n "Joe". Lets try:
raptorpm greet -n "Joe"
  1. The output should be as follows (There might be some additional information output prior the below).
    The result is 1. 
    2021-01-29 11:44:25.3319|DEBUG|Iotnxt.Raptor.Deployment.Tools.Packman.GreetCommand|Greeting message : Hi Joe 
  2. Each command lets you specify either zero or more arguments and/or options in any order. Let’s enabled the verbose option to see additional output from the tool.
raptorpm greet -n "Bertus" -v
  1. You’ll notice the output now has the greeting message and them additional information. (Such as an ASCIII version of a raptor saying RarR!)


Figure 1 - Raptor package manager greeting output