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Raptor Package Manager

Virtual Raptor Jan 1 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. Overview
  2. Raptor package manager cli tool versions
  3. Prerequisites - Installation
  4. Installation
    1. Installing the raptorpm cli tool from a NuGet repository.
    2. Installing the raptorpm cli tool from a nupkg file.
    3. Verify that the tool is installed.
    4. Uninstall the raptorpm cli tool


This document describes the process of installing the raptor package manager cli tool on your machine.


Raptor package manager cli tool versions

The following SDK versions are currently available.



Prerequisites - Installation

To install make sure you have the following installed:

  • DotNetCore 3.1 latest release (at least 3.1.5)
  • NuGet latest release.
  • Configured NuGet source(s) to point to IoT.nxt® package server.


The raptorpm cli tool can be installed using the following methods.

  1. Installing the raptorpm cli tool from a NuGet repository.
  2. Installing the raptorpm cli tool from a nupkg file.

Installing the raptorpm cli tool from a NuGet repository.

  1. Open terminal or command prompt.

Run the command below

dotnet tool install -g raptorpm --version #.#.#.#

Installing the raptorpm cli tool from a nupkg file.

  1. Copy the nuget package to a local temp directory. Please see the following as an example.
  2. Open terminal or command prompt and navigate to that folder.
cd C:\NuGets\IoTnxt.Raptor.Tools
  1. We are going to use dotnet to install. Note that the nuget package version might be different.
dotnet tool install --add-source . -g raptorpm --version #.#.#.#
  1. Successful installation should something like this:
You can invoke the tool using the following command: raptorpm
Tool 'raptorpm' (version '#.#.#.#') was successfully installed.
  1. The raptor command tool should be available globally within powershell and command prompt.

Verify that the tool is installed.

  1. Open your favourite terminal tool. PowerShell, command prompt, windows terminal.
  2. Run
raptorpm -h
  1. The following output should be available if the tool is installed correctly.
  raptorpm [options] [command]

  Verbose, -v       Option to specify if command should be logged in detail
  --version         Show version information
  -?, -h, --help    Show help and usage information

  greet             Raptor package manager greeting command just to say hi!
  certificate       Commands related to managing environment certificates
  packagemanager    Commands related to managing packages for device store
  profile           Command related to publish profiles, containing author and device store configuration
  devicestore       Commands related to configuration on the device store management
  1. Congratulations, the raptor package manager cli tool is successfully installed.
  2. If not, please refer to the installation instructions on the previous section.

Uninstall the raptorpm cli tool

You can uninstall the tool using the following command.

dotnet tool uninstall -g raptorpm