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Generic Driver Use Cases

Dec 6 2023 at 12:00 AM

  1. Introduction


The following document is a comprehensive guide, designed to walk the user through the setup and configuration of their device for the Post Channel using the Accuenergy (Acuvim-II with AXM-WEB2 ) portal. This document delves into specific use cases, focusing explicitly on the integration of the C-Sharp Script filter.

Users can choose from HTTPS, REST API, or MQTT as their preferred data source, allowing for a tailored configuration that aligns with individual operational needs. By following the steps outlined in this document, users can confidently navigate the setup and configuration process, unlocking the full potential of their device and optimising data transmission to Commander. For further information regarding the use cases specific to the Generic Driver, the links below will guide users to examples employing the C-Sharp Script filter with the HTTPS REST API and the MQTT as the designated data source.