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Virtual Raptor™ Integrations

Jun 3 2022 at 12:00 AM

Integration into the V-Raptor™ is done by deploying driver micro-services and configuring the drivers and device(s) to connect to each other. Each device driver can handle communication with multiple devices. In addition to providing several protocol-specific driver integrations, the V-Raptor™ has several drivers that can be used for more generic integrations.

The V-Raptor™ also has a set of standard APIs that can be used by developers to integrate into other systems (e.g. mass driver configuration updates populated from third-party sources).

The pages in the section will provide documentation about all drivers developed by IoT.nxt® for the Virtual Raptor™.

Table of contents

  • List of Virtual Raptor Drivers
  • HTTPS Telemetry Interface
  • MQTT Telemetry Interface
  • Teltonika Telemetry Interface
  • Modbus Telemetry Interface
  • Xovis Telemetry Interface
  • DLMS Telemetry Interface
  • RMS Telemetry Interface
  • iCrypto Telemetry Interface
  • Quuppa Telemetry Interface
  • Camlytics Telemetry Interface