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Jan 1 2022 at 12:00 AM

Micro Raptor™ encryption implementation is built on the Mbed TLS library (formally known as PolarSSL). More information can be found here.

The primary communication protocol used for telemetry is CoAP. This protocol is used because of the low overhead it places on an embedded system. Because of this lightweight structure we are able to have a high throughput of telemetry and because of the protocol features we can still ensure reliable delivery of our data.

CoAP itself is based on UDP which is an unsecure transport. Because we need to ensure encryption of all data we added TLS on top of UDP (DTLS effectively) and implemented CoAP on top of that. This provides the Micro Raptor with a strong encryption pipeline to the server while implementing a lightweight protocol making it a very effective communication method.

Micro Raptor Security Layers

Figure 1 - Micro Raptor Security Layers