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General Availability November 2021

Nov 1 2021 at 12:00 AM

  1. Devices
    1. New Feature: Computation Requirements
    2. Feature Update: Modbus Client

Release Date: 29 November 2021

This is the release notes for the Edge Raptor™ software that is generally available. It details updates to Edge Raptor software since V3.0.0.427 (right after General Availability October 2021), up until V3.0.0.436 which has been general available since 29 November 2021. This does not indicate that any new deployments have been done; project deployments are handled separately per project and through correct change management and client approval.


New Feature: Computation Requirements


Requirements implemented regarding the computation requitements (otherwise known as smart data and smart alarms) specification. This entails the following themes for battery, generator, rectifier, and lost comms alarms:

  • Converting register values to specific outputs
  • Combining registers to produce data rich outputs
  • Applying mathematical formulae to register values

These themes boil down to the ability to compute more at the Edge in a user friendly and sustainable manner.

Feature Update: Modbus Client


A Modbus Client plugin has been created which allows you to simulate/host the values read from a Modbus device (from a standard Modbus master plugin). Virtual registers can be created which can then be accessed by an external Modbus Master. The Modbus Client plugin supports:

  • Coil Register (1-bit R/W)
  • Discrete Input Register (1-bit Read only)
  • Holding Register (16-bit R/W)
  • Input Register (16-bit Read only)

modbus interface

Figure 1 - Modbus Client Plugin Interface