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Endpoint Entity Functions

Sep 28 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. Is Endpoint Active

Is Endpoint Active

Function Description:

This function checks if an endpoint is active. In other words, whether the endpoint is linked to a gateway routing path.

Function Structure:

Figure 1 - Is Endpoint Active

Inputs Required:

  • Endpoint ID - It is the specific normal endpoint you are looking at. It can be of any data type.

Output Expected:

  • Boolean - The output returned is a boolean (true/false). True if the endpoint is active (linked to a gateway), and false if not active (not linked to a gateway).

Use Case Example(s):

ExampleEndpoint IDEndpoint ID Gateway PathIs Endpoint Active Output
2Motorbike/Telemetry/Oil Temperature(blank)FALSE

Use Case Scenario(s):

1. Check all telemetry endpoints coming from a device in a gateway. If any of these endpoints are listed as not active, send an sms to investigate the configuration of the sensor, device and/or gateway. Figure 2 - Is Endpoint Active Scenario demonstrates this build visually.

Figure 2 - Is Endpoint Active Scenario