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Collection Entity Functions

Sep 28 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. Get Collection Property

Get Collection Property

Function Description:

This function is used to get a property value (Property name) of a tag (Collection key) in a collection entity (Entity ID). An entity is considered a collection entity if its data type is “RFID Dictionary”. The collection entity has a dictionary of tag IDs versus their metadata (properties).

Function Structure:

Figure 1 - Get Collection Property

Inputs Required:

  • Endpoint ID - This is the identity of the endpoint you wish to pull from the collection.
  • Collection Key - This is the collection of endpoints.
  • Property Name - This is the name of the property.

Output Expected:

  • String - The property value (Property Name) is returned.

Use Case Example(s):

EndpointCollection keyProperty Name Output

Use Case Scenario(s):

1. Select an Asset that has been white labelled within the reader, retrieve ID with specific property i.e. Name of specific Tag. The readers are used to prevent theft and the necessary Asset Inventory /Stock control.
2. Status of the tag i.e. Active, in laundry etc.