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Data Grid Widget

Jan 1 2022 at 12:00 AM

Default size 3 row x 4 col, Min Size: 2 row x 3 col, Max: 15 row x 20 col

Data Grid

Figure 1 - Data Grid

A widget to display blueprint and digital twin properties and their values in a grid format, able to select which parts of the template/blueprint you want visible as columns, as well as specify the formatting. Paging is enabled and has a max limit of 150 records per page. The user can export the data if required in a excel file.

The Data grid allows the user to drop template references/Nested Digital twins, can configure the grid in template design mode but will need to rollout to view actual data, each row is an instance of that digital twin.

The Data grid supports blueprints, digital twin templates, nested digital twin templates.