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Modbus Integration

Jan 1 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. Modbus Integration
    1. Modbus RTU over TCP

Modbus Integration

Modbus RTU over TCP

The Modbus RTU implementation refers to the process of converting serial communication to TCP communication for the driver to understand. The driver will connect to the device through a converter and send a TCP command through the converter (Scheduled Device, thus the driver is responsible for communication by serving as a Modbus Master). The TCP command is converted to RTU format and the device will send a response if the command is valid. In turn the Serial Command is converted to TCP format through the assistance of the Serial-to-Ethernet Converter.


  • Modbus Serial capable device
  • Edge Raptor
  • Serial-to-Ethernet Converter Plugin
  • Edge Raptor credentials
  • TestLab Access (VPN)


1.Connect the Device to the Edge Raptor.

2.Set up a Serial-to-Ethernet converter for the device by going to Edge Raptor landing page and login, then go to Device Management.

3.In the drop-down menu, select Serial-to-Ethernet Converter:


4.Set up the Serial-to-Ethernet Converter with the following configuration


The port and friendly name can be customised. The BaudRate should be defaulted to 9600 as it is the standard for IoT.nxt®. Debug comms is optional. The Serial Connection should always be disconnected once TCP communication is terminated by the Modbus Master (Driver).

5.Click the update Button at the bottom of the form and close.

6.Save and Reboot the Edge Raptor so that the above configuration can be loaded on Edge Raptor startup.

With The above configuration, you can set up a device in the DevicesOptions.json file of the Driver. The driver can then be executed and the device should be loaded on startup and execute every time the ActionDelay threshold is met.