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M91 Release notes

Oct 10 2022 at 12:00 AM

  1. Portal
    1. Commander Webhooks enhancement
    2. Digital Twin enhancement
  2. Radar
    1. Widget subscriptions
    2. UX enhancements: Value formatting

Internal release date: 26 September 2022

General availability date: 29 September 2022


Commander Webhooks enhancement

Commander Webhooks was enhanced to allow a more dynamic payload to be configured. The dispatch body, event body, and event metadata body were combined into a single structure, and each section is now optional. The enhancement will allow for a more dynamic payload configuration.

Digital Twin enhancement

Digital twins were enhanced to allow templates to be imported into a tenant even though the template already exists on the tenant. This will allow a Digital twin template to be exported from tenant A and imported into tenant B where changes can be made to the template. The template can then be exported from tenant B and imported into tenant A to override the template. A new version will be assigned to the template if the template already exists on the tenant.


Widget subscriptions

Radar endpoint linking was enhanced to allow view designers to search the entire entity tree for an entity, previously only the selected entity group could be searched. The change will allow view designers to quickly find a specific entity without the need to find the parent group first.

UX enhancements: Value formatting

“The Radar widgets were enhanced to allow values to be formatted with a specific format string. The view designer can select one of the predefined formatting options for dates and numeric or enter a custom formatting string. Value formatting was added to the following widgets:

  • Value list
  • Template data table”