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M102 Release notes

Jun 12 2023 at 12:00 AM

  1. All /Core
    1. Commander’s communications framework
  2. Core
    1. Ambassador
  3. Portal
    1. Digital Twin enhancement
    2. SMS enhancement
    3. Scheduled function enhancement
    4. Authentication client manager
    5. Maintenance

Deployment version: 102.0.x

Internal release date: 12 June 2023

General availability date: 15 June 2023

All /Core

Commander’s communications framework

Commander’s communications framework was enhanced with the introduction of gRPC calls. gRPC calls aren’t only faster but are more secure to further harden Commander’s security. The various Commander micro-services will use gRPC to communicate, while still supporting the existing API calls to ensure backward compatibility. gRPC will now be enabled.



Ambassador has now been upgraded to 3.6.0.


Digital Twin enhancement

Further enhancements were made to the Digital twin instance service to improve the scalability of the services. During rollouts and migrations of Digital twin instances, certain milestones have been identified that need to succeed for the rollout or migration to be deemed successful. These various milestones have been validated and will now be enabled for all Commander platforms. Previously the milestone implementation was controlled by a feature flag and only enabled on certain tenants, the functionality will now be enabled by default from the M102 release.

SMS enhancement

A new SMS provider, “Vodafone messaging hub”, was added to Commander. The SMS provider was added to allow European countries to use the SMS notifications capabilities of Commander.

Scheduled function enhancement

Scheduled functions has been enhanced to allow a schedule engine to keep track of the function to fire at the specified time. The time intervals of the events that must be fired are persisted in the database and controlled by the schedule engine.

Authentication client manager

Self-registration can now be enabled in the Authentication configuration of the tenant when integrated with Active directory, Azure B2C or Google. This option is enabled by the “Self registration” option on the selected integration itself. The augmentation rules will be applied upon registration.


In Portal a new option is available to configure maintenance mode. A start datetime and end datetime must be selected as well as a list of features that can be disabled. The notifications, alerts, scheduled events, functions and telemetry data can be disabled during this time range. An informational banner will be visible in Commander notifying the user that it is in maintenance mode. Once the end datetime has been reached all features will be re-enabled again.

Versions | Platform | Version | | —- | —– | | Commander | 4.102.5 | | Dashboard | 3.493.0-update005 | | Portal | 3.493.0-update005 |