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M101 Release notes

May 22 2023 at 12:00 AM

  1. All /Core
    1. Account Management
    2. Scheduled Functions: Enhancement
    3. Webhooks enhancement

Deployment version: 101.0.x

Internal release date: 16 May 2023

General availability date: 22 May 2023

All /Core

Account Management

Account Dormancy enhancement The Dormant account functionality of Commander was changed to limit the checks to standard accounts only, accounts marked as internal accounts will not be included when checking for dormant accounts. As an example, demo accounts can be marked as an internal account and these demo accounts will then not be marked as dormant if there were no user activity for an extended time.

Scheduled Functions: Enhancement

Commander’s Scheduler API’s functionality has been enhanced with the addition of additional API endpoints to allow more flexibility when scheduling jobs within Commander.

Webhooks enhancement

Commander’s Webhooks have been enhanced by allowing the user to choose between Entity or Digital twin template selection, previously only Entity selection was available.

  • Entity Selection: Specific entities or groups can be selected for alarm and entity value events to be evaluated to determine if the webhook should be dispatched.
  • Digital twin template selection: The alarm or entity events for any Digital Twin Instance of the selected template will trigger the webhook to execute. Optionally, the user can select specific groups or properties within the Digital twin template to limit the execution of webhooks to those properties only." ### Commander’s communications framework Commander’s communications framework was enhanced with the introduction of gRPC calls. gRPC calls aren’t only faster but are more secure to further harden Commander’s security. The various Commander micro-services will use gRPC to communicate, while still supporting the existing API calls to ensure backward compatibility. This feature is behind a feature flag and will be disabled for this release. ### Portal Digital Twin enhancement Further enhancements were made to the Digital twin instance service to improve the scalability of the services. During rollouts and migrations of Digital twin instances, certain milestones have been identified that need to succeed for the rollout or migration to be deemed successful. These various milestones have been validated and will now be enabled for all Commander platforms. Previously the milestone implementation was controlled by a feature flag and only enabled on certain tenants, the functionality will be disabled by default for this release. **Versions** | **Platform** | **Version** | | ---- | ----- | | Commander | 4.101.1 | | Dashboard | 3.490.0-update003 | | Portal | 3.490.0-update003 |