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M96 Release notes

Jan 1 2023 at 12:00 AM

  1. Core
    1. Ambassador
  2. Core Portal
    1. Telemetry data streaming: enhancement
    2. Billing: enhancement
  3. Portal
    1. Account Limits
    2. Entity API enhancement
    3. Data exporter
    4. Geo-location service enhancements
    5. Commander Webhooks enhancement
    6. Commander Webhooks enhancement
  4. Radar
    1. Historical values: Enhancement
  5. Security
    1. Security: Enhancement

Internal release date: 30 January 2023

General availability date: 01 February 2023



Ambassador has now been upgraded to 3.3.1

Core Portal

Telemetry data streaming: enhancement

The Telemetry streamer was enhanced by adding support for Kafka messages to be flushed when timeouts occur. The following configuration options were added:

  • ‘Request timeout (ms)’: The time in milliseconds Commander will try to send a message to Kafka
  • ‘Message timeout (ms)’: The time in milliseconds Commander will wait for a response from Kafka before a timeout occurs.
  • ‘Message send max retries’: Number of times Commander will try to send the message to Kafka before discarding the message.

Billing: enhancement

Two new billing codes were added to Commander:

  • ‘NAVIGATOR-CPU’: The CPU resources used by Navigator for the Tenant/Account
  • ‘NAVIGATOR-RAM’: The number of memory resources used by Navigator for the Tenant/Account


Account Limits

The Accounts limit feature was enhanced with the ability to limit the number of Geo-location and SMS services that can be configured per Account. The limits can be set from the Tenant owner’s account using Account Management, the two new limits can be found under the ‘Default features’ section.

Entity API enhancement

A new API call ‘TreeBaseEntity.GetEntityAccount’ was added to Commander which will retrieve the Account that owns the Entity. This enables support teams to easily identify which Account owns a specific entity.

Data exporter

A new feature flag ‘Data Exporter’ has been added to Commander and can be set from the Primary or Secondary Portal that controls the tenant. The ‘Data Exporter’ feature flag will be disabled by default for all new tenants but will be enabled for existing tenants. The feature must be disabled on all tenants that don’t make use of Data exporters to reduce the resources used by Commander’s database as an index will be deleted from the database when the feature is disabled.

If the feature is enabled the Data export services fill fail on start-up until the index was successfully created. Once the index is created the Data exports will start up and export data to the specified destination.

Geo-location service enhancements

The Geo-location service was enhanced by changing the deployment model of the service. Only one Geo-location service will be deployed per Tenant, previously an ad-hoc service was deployed per Geo-location service configured for each Account on the Tenant. The improved deployment model reduces the number of resources needed to support multiple Geo-location services. The configuration of the Geo-location service was moved from Service management to Portal’s Environment setting module.

Additionally, the Geo-location service can be configured whether Alarms should be loaded or not. If only the location of the sites is used on Radar/Dashboard views, then the Alarms can be disabled to reduce the resource requirement of the service. View loading times will also improve as the size of the data that are sent to the view is reduced as well.

Commander Webhooks enhancement

A maintenance task was added to remove all configured Webhooks once the Account on which the Webhooks were configured is deleted, this includes all dispatch history.

Commander Webhooks enhancement

The Webhooks feature was enhanced with a new property ‘ServiceHook.Type’ that can be included in the payload. The Service hook type will indicate if the call is the original, a retry, or a resend.


Historical values: Enhancement

The Historical values feature of Radar was enhanced with the addition of a Chart. Historical values can now be viewed in raw format (Value and timestamp) or on a Chart to view the trend over time. A date filter is available on the Chart view to allow the user to load data from previous days as well.


Security: Enhancement

Identity providers can now be configured per Account, whereas previously they could only be configured per Tenant which meant that all configured identity providers were available on all Accounts. To enable the feature the ‘Enable identity configuration per account’ feature flag must be set for the Tenant from the Primary/ Secondary Portal that controls the tenant.

All Identity providers configured on the Tenant owner account will be available on all accounts, whereas Identity providers configured on a specific account will only be available on that account. To make use of the Account’s Identity providers the user must include the Account alias within the URL. e.g. https://{tenant}/{account-alias}. The Tenant owner Account’s Identity providers will be used if the user uses the URL without the account alias, e.g. https://{tenant}/.

Additionally, the theming of the Login page can now be configured per Account. The Tenant owner account’s configuration will be used if the configuration is not done on each Account. The theming configured per Account can only be loaded if the alias is included in the URL, e.g., https://{tenant}/{account-alias}.