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Integration Workflow

Feb 1 2023 at 12:00 AM

  1. Open Commander and Log In

  2. Click on portal

    Figure 1 - Portal app

  3. Click on Authentication client manager

    Figure 2 - Navigate to Authentication client manager

  4. Go to single page application client and click on add

    Clip 1 - Adding a single application client

  5. Type in the client id that you prefer and the name of your application, then click on submit

    Clip 2 - Creating a single page application client

  6. Under the single page application clients tab, find your client in the list and click on it

    Clip 3 - Adding a client URI

  7. Allowed redirect URIs (Make sure you add the redirect URIs to which your application is allowed to redirect to from Commander.)

    Figure 3 - Adding a redirect URI

  8. Add your application scopes (You will need to add 3 scopes, “role”, “openid” and “profile”.)

    Clip 4 - Allowing scopes

  9. Click on Update (Save your changes and verify on your Single page application that you are able to issue a token. You can follow the documentation on oAuth 2.0 here).

    Figure 4 - Update